I was lying in bed last night doing my best to fall asleep but found myself reflecting upon my busy day and a number of things were running through my head. I had begun my day holding a cup of coffee while looking over my to-do list that I had created before I left on a trip.  But what I didn’t notice was how much of my week had been determined by my level of trust. I had trusted
•    that my to-do list would be completed before I retired and went to bed
•    that all email replies would be sent timely today since I had been away and no replies had occurred for 5 days
•    that when I added a student’s riding lesson into the day’s responsibilities that I would have sufficient time left in the day to complete other responsibilities
•    that the crockpot meal that I had prepared and the groceries that I had purchased would ease some of my husband’s responsibilities since his meals were partially prepared – my husband is out-of-town every other week so our coordination is sensitive to make it all work and sometimes feels a little overwhelming
•    that my husband, family and friends would attend to the animals while I was away for five days.  Note: this is no easy task when you are leaving behind an aged Australian Shepard, a 9 mo. old Australian Shepard puppy, an Insulin Resistant mare that requires special diet and exercise daily, 6 other horses, along with 12 adult cows, 14 weaned calves, 1 rabbit, 2 cats and a donkey.
•    that the plane I took to Las Vegas would get me safely to my destination so I would be on site to teach the Equusology Clinic to the participants
You know – that’s a lot of trusting going on that had gone totally unnoticed at the time. It’s quite amazing how I have noticed so much more when I take the time to reflect with intention. It’s amazing how much more I notice when I slow down. It is thought provoking to recognize all the places “trust” has or has not shown up in your life.  Why not take a few minutes and reflect upon where you have experienced situations that you were trusting yourself or someone else.
